Why is Canada taking an aggressive stance against China?
Clip source: Why is Canada taking an aggressive stance against China?
Benoît Tanguay | January 11, 2023
Yellen lays out economic war against China
Clip source: Yellen lays out economic war against China - World Socialist Web Site
Nick Beams 23 April 2023
In this episode of their program Geopolitical Economy Hour, economists Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson discuss Russia’s economic transition away from the neoliberal West...
America's Big Bad Boogeyman is American propaganda. Judge for yourself....
Xi Jinping: Life is about doing something meaningful for the people
“Serve the People” is the...
Former German foreign minister Joschka Fischer declares Ukraine War is “Global power struggle for future world order”
Clip source: Former German foreign minister Joschka Fischer...
The Marseillaise rings out over France, whose workers are not giving up in their struggle for democracy against Macron's neoliberal regime. pic.twitter.com/oJRNqOsjY1
— Paweł Wargan...