HomeArticleLets Rent a Train!

Lets Rent a Train!

Lets Rent a Train!

Let’s Rent a Train! Life in the Toronto Branch of the League for Socialist Action, 1961-1977 is an unprecedented historical film about the rise and fall of a militant revolutionary group that profoundly altered Canada’s political landscape.

During the social upheaval of the 1960s and 1970s, several hundred highly disciplined activists led Canada’s antiwar movement against the US invasion of Vietnam, and exposed Ottawa’s financial and diplomatic complicity with the Pentagon.

The League for Socialist Action (LSA), also played a key role in winning the abortion rights struggle, and defended Dr. Henry Morgentaler when he was jailed for defying Canada’s abortion law.

The film’s sixty interviewees include these noted dissidents:

  • Don Tapscott (author, public intellectual, former Chancellor, Trent University)
  • Alice Klein (journalist, co-founder Toronto’s NOW magazine)
  • Judy Rebick (author/broadcaster, abortion law repeal leader)
  • Mitch Podolak (founder, Winnipeg Folk Festival, Order of Manitoba)
  • Ann Thomson (activist/author Winning Choice on Abortion)

Let’s Rent a Train! was written, produced, and directed by TV production veteran Douglas Williams. It features paintings by renowned artist Mike Alewitz, and a provocative music score by composer (and multiple Juno Award nominee – as Lotus Wight) Sam Allison.




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